Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"motherfucker", "fuck you", "son novabitch"

"motherfucker", "fuck you", "son novabitch"
violence, sex, flirtation, action pack movies I watch.  There's no preventing my son from hearing these vulgarities and scenes, on tv I watched or on youtube, dailymotion.  Its better to educate him the meaning of the word, why the character uses it, under what circumstances.  Teach him such vulgarities will always be on some people's minds and intentions, the world is not sugar candy goody two shoes.  Face it, know it, and choose the right path.
No more the stupid sheep herding, shielding methods of using a lame excuse of this is for adults only, bad people, exclude them.  These old methods only breeds racism, discrimination, elitist, lopsided intelligence, or denial state.  I doubt if its even qualify to term denial as any form of intelligent.

Its not whether to use it or not, its your choice, everybody is capable of scolding vulgarities.  Its the type of people who scolds we need to make them understand.  Same as everybody is capable of adultery, murder, robbery etc.  It doesnt take a special person to do all these things.  Its choice that makes a person, not actions.

Talk to your child as much as possible, dont leave it to the teachers!! Oh god please dont!!!!


Thursday, January 23, 2014

What is Gerrymandering?



From wikipedia:Astroturfing

Main article: Astroturfing. Faking a grassroots movement is known as astroturfing, which, as the name suggests, is named after AstroTurf, the iconic brand of artificial grass. Astroturfing means pretending to be a grassroots movement, when in reality the agenda and strategy are controlled by a hidden, non-grassroots organization. In this manner, a faux show is presented, consisting of robotic individuals pretending to be voicing their own opinions.


What do you own?

HDB is lease at astronomical rates, even need a loan to service!
No retirement funds, probably because of the HDB lease!
No health care assurance, and super long queues!
No jobs to fulfill all of the above!
I can safely say most of us have nothing to lose.
Sleeping in the void deck is no different if you look at it objectively!!!
All of us living in the same island.


Media Control

Which means, Temasek losses can be downplay, disease outbreak can be downplay, flooding can become ponding, sinkholes can become depressions, a country with super control news is as good as having no news at all.


Cheapen by the millions

Life used to be good at barely 3m population. $3k graduate pay gets a young manager's calibre with lots of commitment and tenacity to spur the company to grow. $1.8k diploma worker works diligently, gets to be home on time with family or night classes and aspire to be a graduate. Life was in balance, you get what you reap, because Sg then was in optimum balance.

What happened? Chaos. Now with 5.5m, you get what you see in populated India, jobs aplenty, goes to the lowest bidder, no benefits, no medical, no retirement, work like a robot, get paid, no friends. Grossly overpopulated places created an economic stagnation, becos the best profits can be ripped from mediocre, quantity based sales like telcos, transport, f&b, hospitals etc. So businesses that are innovative and incurrs high R&D costs cant survive in a city that thrives on a dull population. Talents living in such sorry state tends to leave to more highly developed and attuned cities that are well balanced and nurture their intellect.

What does a grossly populated city has to offer that excites one's mind??? Bollywood movies is the population's spiritual escape from the dark, smoggy cities that is their reality. You can only dream in your mind, your physical state is sold to the devil.


The Age of Stupids III

Actually I am not a writer person, but it seems people living in oppressed states tend to think deep since there isn't much freedom to do anything else besides writing unobtrusively, except churn out dough for the system.  Much like George Orwell, the modern day oppressed botox island also churns out keyboard warriors George Orwells everyday, you, me, anybody who sees the light.

Back to the story, Botox ministers are a weird bunch compared to the rest of the world.  As one neighbouring minister blantanly puts it, they are childish!!!  Is it any wonder really?  Must have been the media ruling that stomps world leaders recently.  Even an ally superpower country casually commented they express concern!! Why?  Because botox island is dam small, size of a city, population less than 10m, same as the population of any major city or capital city.  There is no collateral amongst the world's major countries even if they drop in 5m of their own citizens into botox island, the numbers are insignificant, consider it ritual sacrifice for trade relations.

Would you as a major economy bother what happens to a little known city known as Congo?  Its so far away, so out of your backyard, or kitchen.  So, people in botox island should realise they are very much on their own, and are the playthings of the powers that be.  Oh about the weirdness of botox ministers?  Yes, other countries have perhaps seize to take botox islanders seriously since the day their emperor joke about pork soup and free smoke of a major superpower country who was facing pollution problems.  I can tell you the audience are stumped!  Like, ORLY!!!  Of course it was a diplomatic event, everybody has to maintain composure, but note taken.

Next, comes the belly punch.  Everybody in the world knows what the internet and social media is.  Its so happening, because it has created the platform for connection, mind connection.  Like now, I am typing my thoughts, which before internet, I would have to run down to a publisher, print a book or something to share this!  And programmers jump onto the bandwagon to create forums, chats, message boards so that they can communicate unabatted with people whoever is connected or geek phrase, plug in.  Like a normal social setting, everybody practise social grace, a guy sharing his thoughts like speaking in a corner, will have audience, nonchalant passer-bys, opposers shouting, supporters defending etc.  But online, there is no such violence or seen, except exchange of words, so easy it is that, whimps can be warriors online, and blockheads disappear into oblivion in the online world.  But it is this online platform that the best concesus and views can be arrived at, unabased, uncensored, conceitedly approved.  Which has been spotted by marketeers and businesses as a business opportunity to engage and market on a global scale.  And also brought on the term globalisation, trade, eliminating the middlemen, expanding existing business model to go global.

So why did botox island want to censor the internet information that is freely exchange?  Imagine, some guy post a comment, sharing his thoughts, some approve, some disapprove, end of story, the man spoke his piece.  Everybody knows what he is thinking and wish to share.  Totally harmless, so why do any govt for that matter have any right to shut him up???  What kind of idiotic nonsense is this?  Now you know why that minister says botox ministers are childish, blantanly so.  And why a superpower cant be bothered to debunk botox's insane laws?  Well for a leader to joke about pork soup and free smoke of a pollution problem, it just tells you be wasting your time talking sense to these people!


The Age of Stupids II

Incidentally, one botox island has one such dictator who has flawlessly, masterfully control the media on a leash.  Of cos being a tiny island helps alot in the control.  For years its people revers in the success stories of this island, help by no means of an expert Empire economics envoy master planning the economic strategy of the island.  A few capable ministers learnt the geeze of this advisor, and follow through his plans till his retirement.

But alias, the blur dictator is more power obsessed than strategy fortified, always thinking of fixing whatever opposition arises, he was so sure his media control is flawless.  His people trusts in him, he even wrote books about himself and see if it sells?  Just to be sure.  Happily dancing around in his glory, and starts planning his succession.

Alias, the power of the internet, the wired power of thoughts cannot be control so easily, it is free, it is the speed of light, and unbounded, easily absorbed into neurons like the human iris captures light.  His party popularity starts to slide, oppositions seeing the weakening in votes, another very worrying trend is local talents are migrating.  So much so one minister admitted that botox island is suffering a brain drain.  The dictator decided this will not do, the best minds in the island are losing interests, and if those who dont leave stay and become oppostions, he is doomed.

Light bulb, the initial years of success was 1st generation immigrants under the Empire Republic, these immigrants came from 3rd world countries for a better life, without much education, willing to work on the cheap.  These are the morons who voted him into power than, all he had to do was sweeten the deal make them feel at home, lease them a place to stay to call their own, but the govt still hold on to all the title deeds.  What better way to revived the good old days with similar 3rd world country pumpkins to vote himself in again, smart people wont listen to his crap, at least there are still lots of desperate 3rd world immigrants who would?  And so began the desperate plan of flooding botox island with 3rd world immigrants who cant think, dont bother, as long as they vote him.  Lets diffuse the intelligent locals with dummies, we need dummies, lots and lots of it!!!

It doesnt matter if the smart locals are better qualified or experience, he crippled them with taxing pension funds and hyperinflated leased homes to handicap them.  Take it or leave it he says, he just wants dummies all the same.  When a country resorts to dummies to vote them in, you know this island is basically clueless and digging its own grave.


The Age of Stupids

Imagine a band of dictators who just got over the crazy 2 world wars of devastation and conquer and divide, gain control of countries, so obsessed with power, makes use of media to herd the people that they are perfect, flawless, what these band of leaders say is the gospel truth.  Once this mindset is set, they would have absolute control of the nation's assets, for the media has already portray what they say is the truth.

40 years later, the internet has a revolution, social media, the sharing of information never before done on cyberspace.  Information can be shared free across borders, unrestricted, uncensored or even be seen by the govt.  This revolution breaks down the govt control media stronghold on the truths.  People began to join the pieces of the jigsaw, the half truths reveal to be distorted facts.  The more people open up and share, the more distorted facts are revealed, the food chain is compromise, the vaccines are compromise, heck even cancer can be cured without chemo-radio treatments!!!  How far fetched is that?  Who to believe?  40 years of dogmatic censored data imprinted on your minds, and now your best friend, most trusted friends brings you undisputable proofs of their findings, ideas, and the way you should lead your life.

Havnt you ever thought what would it be like if you hadnt follow the herd, following the herd where have it landed you?  Are you happy?  Do you FEEL FREE?  Search deep inside  your true feelings, discard the logic, for that logic was fabricated and inprint onto you with years of sublimal messages through education, media, television, newspaper.

Its one small step for you, but one big step for mankind's break from corporate slavery.  Welcome to the Matrix!

 A fine researched example how media perception clouds your logic. So my note above doesnt seem so far fetch after all.


Mass Hypnosis

It is a well known fact and history that Sg was already a metropolis before 1965, thats Stand Chart banks, post office, hospitals, F&N factories, Robinsons, Sg was Britain's trading hub for its MNCs. But why the awakening to this facts only after the internet age?

Obviously the mass media of pre-internet age was TV, radio and papers. Thats where the lopsided news are. Explaining the slow trading speeds in stock exchange.

Post internet everybody becomes a publisher, and trader. The manipulator of the traditional media is outgun, complacent, and disgraced.


The Rise of the Sheep

"The taste of freedom is an acquired taste bestowed on the discerning few who appreciate the finer things in life, and what nature has bestow. The usual barricades of burdern most sheeps are so used to are just illusionary creature comforts that pales in comparison."

Just thot of a parallel eg, in school boy disputed my teacher of a theory she says, boy put up his hand and dispel that theory with his father's theory. The teacher scolds him and insults his father's knowledge. Fast forward today, bloggers dispel ministers' policies, ministers talk down, discredits, sues bloggers. Is this not a repressive socitey?

Why are childrens' school work so heavy at such any early age?  Wont this stifle creativity of children which are highly attuned in the early years?  I dont see many innovations or inventions from mainstream educated people, they are no more than economic digits, in fact the best innovators are school drop-outs, the mavericks, the know-what-they-want out of life types, which are few and far between.  Because main stream education does not advocate creativity as a viable proposition for the human race, for fear they will innovate and revolt the current system of control!  How is that even possible?


Table Cleaning - uniquely Singapore

These days is hard not to be apolitical. Having a late night meal at Vivo city Kopitiam, looking at the aunty cleaning tables, its really a sad state for a self-proclaim first world island to hoodwinked the world.  How did we end up this way?  The answer came when I observe how table cleaners are mostly retirees with little or no education, no savings, probably didnt have a sustainable career, or are retired housewives.

Table cleaning is a dead end job, its uniquely as Singaporean as the government is so fond of having Ministers without portfolio just to keep a yesman.  Its totally unnecessary if the social norm is have everybody clean up after their meals.  Like what was done in the army, NS returning trays to the washing point, even washing them for the next batch.  But why are Singaporeans nurtured not to do so?  The answer seems to be keen business competition, if an establishment does not provide this service of cleaning tables, customers would go elsewhere who does.  People are spoilt for choice, they dont have to return their plates at all!

In fact competition is so keen that even in hawker centres, table cleaners are hawkeyed by hawkers to make sure they clean superfast to make way for customers to get seated and finish their meals like clock work!!!  If they dont, the cleaner contractor would lose the contract.  So it seems the government's lame drive to get Singaporeans to return their trays at hawker centres or all eating establishments is just another wayang courtesy-is-for-free  gimmick that doesnt do anything.  All that campaigning, banners, that stainless steel tray return shelf.  The fire-fighting government we have, very goodah.

Having table cleaners for a small island with over population is highly inefficient, a waste of space and resources.  Like I said, its a dead end job, resources could have been put to better use, and that cleaning contractor better think of something more innovative when times change.  Why?  Because in F&B restaurants, they charge you 10% service charge for waiter service, they serve you, clear your table after you are done.  Dont you think hawker food doesnt include all expenses into their meals as well?  Where do you think the recent food price inflation is cause by?  Waste of resources.  Because of this relentless pursuit of production line efficiency, costs for table cleaners, costs of stall rental, costs of airconditioning, costs of exhaust hoods, renovations to fulfill NEA cleanliness, blah, blah, blah.  Hawker food is not what it used to be anymore, the passion for good food has been overclouded by red tape, restrictions, legislations, and bottomline efficiency.  Whichever way you look at it, GDP pursuit is going to kill creativity and innovation like cancer.


Is your voting secret?

Is  your voting secret? - A misperception that must be dispelled.

They cannot easily find out who you vote for, because all the polling papers that have been counted are resealed at the counting centre (with seals signed by each political party) into the ballot boxes after counting and stored in the Supreme Court vault. They can only be opened if there is a court order requiring this, resulting from a complaint relating to the election.

6 months after the election, they will be taken out from the Supreme Court vault to the incinerator, in a process witnessed and accompanied by all political parties that have contested.

New developments to Sg's voting process!!!

Talk about 1st class honesty and integrity, where our hawker centre ceiling has to be squeaky clean and argue about in Parliament, can imagine such a grossly mis-step in presidential ballot boxes can be misplaced and unaccounted for!!! News of irregular elections is so rampant in 3rd world countries, oh yes Sg is so comfortable with themselves they couldnt care less about a few ballot boxes, yeah right.

I worry for mega projects like CPF monies, pension fund investments, HDB land sales, how are they manage REALLY!

Now read the culture observation Richard Seah narrate, I too have experience similar incidence of pushing the blame when things out of the norm happens, and ground staffs are not taught, or brief, or given powers to execute appropriate actions, my dealings with IRAS, HDB, CPF, Hospitals, all the same nonchalant approach to outlier situations!!! What kind of upbringing/life skills have Singaporeans been inculcated???

Richard Seah

"NOW IMAGINE... What if all or most of Singapore were run by similar people who are reluctant to take responsibility and take action? What if the civil service, the army, the police, Parliament, the courts, etc were run this way?

Perhaps to some extent they are already being run this way.

Aren't we in deep shit?"

My 10 Commandments

Beautiful words. Must read and try to understand the deep meaning of it. They are like the ten commandments to follow in life all the time.

1. Prayer is not a “spare wheel” that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a “steering wheel” that directs the right path throughout.

2. A Car’s WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rear view Mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, Look Ahead and Move on.

3. Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.

4. All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don’t worry, they can’t last long either.

5. Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don’t forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!

6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, “Relax, sweetheart, it’s just a bend, not the end!

7. When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn’t solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.

8. A blind person asked St. Anthony: “Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?” He replied: “Yes, losing your vision!”

9. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.

10. WORRYING does not take away tomorrow’s TROUBLES, it takes away today’s PEACE.

Motivate yourself ~ Share & Inspire Others!

The German Shepherd

Hoodwink is when your favourite allegiance is wrong and yet you defend their wrongs. Eg. Nazis. When you are defending something frevently, please remember the Nazis.

Hitler oath quote:"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe term Hitler oath refers to the oaths of allegiance, or Reichswehreid, sworn by German Wehrmacht officers and soldiers as well as civil servants during the Third Reich between the years 1934 and 1945. The oath pledged personal loyalty to the person of Adolf Hitler in place of loyalty to the constitution."

The Wehrmacht Oath of Loyalty to Adolf Hitler, 2 August 1934"I swear by God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath."

Service oath for public servants"I swear: I will be faithful and obedient to the leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, to observe the law, and to conscientiously fulfil my official duties, so help me God!"


JBJ: The plan was first thought out in 1984GCK: 82LHL: In 1982, the constitution was amendedJBJ: Was there a large jump constition amendments in 1981-1982
GCK: There's always a time to produce
JBJ: Its not what i think, its the public of Sg.
LHL: Yes we made a radical change to the consitution.
JBJ: If you look at the white paper, you said there shld not have been radical change.But now you said there has been radical change.
JBJ: You both have answered my question.  You have admitted you have  made radical change.
LHL: You are presenting this as a fundamental issue
JBJ: Next question to you, where is the check on the president
GCK: The president does not have the power about this policy, the presdient does not issue any policy.  That lies with the govt.It is the PM and the cabinet that do so.      Hence the need to have a good president representing the people. JBJ: Parliament stands for the people.
LHL: First debated in the GE, then intro into parliament, then select committee. If at that point there is still a need for national referendum, then we will do so.
JBJ: The president does not agree to the parliament's policy, he can veto and block the policy.  Mr Goh, do you agree to that?
Host: We are running out of time, will Mr Chiam have his questions.
CST: Mr Goh, you are going to be the next PM of Sg. Do you agreed there shld be a national referendum from the people of Sg on the elected president?
GCK: My view has been very clear.,blah blah
CST: Do you agree in principal that we require a referendum?
GCK: No.

Celebrity worship syndrome

Some people get emotional defending a cause, unknowingly didnt know they are defending a person instead of a cause. Makes me search online for this symptom, apparently its call celebrity worship syndrome! Hail Google!
(identities are masked to protect the innocent!)

Inflation, simple to understand.

Veg rice $5.50 a plate, Why? Quick math>Buy a lorry with COE 100k, lorry costs $140k. So $140k / 10 yrs / 12mths / 30 days = $39 daily lorry with COE rental!!!!

Imagine running costs add on, diesel $5, parking $3, ERP $5, labour $50, diesel tax $8 (diesel tax is in the thousands too!) Total $110 cost of using a lorry in a day in Sg! Wah piang!~

Sg a metropolis since 1930s

Singapore is nowhere near a fishing village, its already a metropolis since 1930s.


This is Singapore 1951

And this is Singapore 8 years later, 1962.

And this is 1964, one year before independence


What Did Singapore Lost? Why only Sampan 2.0?

Sg did not create the desired synergy with M'sia for all its worth as a trading port. Or think Hong Kong is to Shenzhen. Our situation is similar to Penang or Hong Kong. Instead of collaborating, we ousted manufacturing, bring in bankers, up real estates, pop two casinos, where do the people fall in between? These policies agreed by our MPs you know.

The manufacturing industries was started by Albert Winsemus, thats why we had polytechnics and NTU, to support innovation and manufacturing. But now its all in the lull. Unlike some vivi say what politics is a contest of cleaning, no. Its a chess game. One miscalculation or let your ego gets in the way, your ally becomes your opponent and gain upper ground. Our parliamentarians are too micro, short-sighted. Even if the MPs do not have the economic knowledge or faintest idea of the history of Sg, the civil service should at least deliver credible research and policies for the MP's to work on. So what's done is done, you see for yourself the outcome.

Btw the ego why sg did not create the penang synergy is because the squabble between 2 old man. You see, now sg no where to run except vice. They technically turn a decent metropolis into a slum. Filter away that useless newspaper of ours that's not even in top200 ranking, all those lopsided surveys and polls, and you see what I see.

Capitalism breeds greed, and greed drives self-preservation.

Manufacturering encourages overconsumerism, because they keep the production line moving.  Do you realise after the 20th century, with all the international trade agreements written all over the place, there is intensified capitalistic consumption and innovation has stopped??? What mind blowing invention have rocked the world lately? None? Because of greed, and the capitalistic desire to drive the perpetual consumption cycle, innovation for energy, life saving medicine has been shelved or lost funding!!!

Instead tons of money are spent on war, products consumption, life prolonging medicine. As a result, human immunity has weaken, machines designed not to last long, and drugs are design to relieve sickness not to cure.

On the same plane, dont you notice some govt so fearful loss of ruling power, they did come up with internal security acts, gerrymandering, propaganda media control to dellude citizens that everything is fine and dandy, (V-Vendetta, the dictator rule in future England, the media channel is intoxicatingly pukeable).  This fear of competition drives them to focus on fixing the oppositions instead of developing good governance, that all citizens welfare, holistic living has been neglected.  Ultimate screwups everywhere, when protests and demostrations, strikes are tell-tale signs of mis-steps in their governing policies.  Resulting in inflation, recessions, high costs of living, wages suppressions, suppressed medical benefits, rise in crime rates and corruption.

The fall of MSM's hill billy analogies

Most discerning botox citizens feel insulted that the papies uses hill billy analogy to pass of as surveys and statistics to justify their policies. These reports are neither rigorous nor substantiated by any  academics. This 50 years of hill billy indoctrination comes tumbling down when the population has gained global education, thanks to the local uni tight quota.

And lots of citizens venture out to work overseas and gain global perspectives. It is only the dafts who still fall for this hill billy analogy crab and hopefully they are a dying breed!!! Hell even the foreign immigrants who became PRs or citizens told me they did vote oppies even though they benefitted from the papies, because the papies doesnt have what it takes to make it!!! They too want a balanced parliament that can debate lopsided policies that may disadvantage their children in future.

deform of the human race.

Nature has a design that a little sprout grows best in sunlight, water, fertile soil. The plant has potential to grow into a tree and tall and able to sustain other lives surrounding it. This process takes a long time, lots of stability in the environment to see it to fruition.What are the effects to plants are also the same effects on humans. People have more balance mind, peace and improved thinking growing and living in appropriate space, sunshine, work life balance. Every individual who grows and live in a non-congested environment, is more able to lead normal, balanced lives. They have higher rate of innovation, bringing prosperity to their environment and surrounding people, making lives better. Is it any wonder than why slum countries like india, philippines, where congestion is rampant, human condition is callous, is unable to prosper in a positive way. In fact they are notorious for corruption, crimes against humanity. Is it any wonder Suckapooreans are found to be the unhappiest people on earth, because they are little sproutlings suddenly congested with overpopulation, lack of breathing space, overbuilding, population, tilting nature's design for appropriate human living? sincity, botox island, casinos, loan sharks, pawnshops, credit cards, stock markets, adultery, corruption all the vices of human inadequacies prevales in a city lacking direction, but spiraling down to damnation.The little children of this damnation city would not know what real living is because they have been born into a already polluted, convoluted, twisted version of life. In the end, we can only ask, what have we done to ourselves? Nature has given us the ultimate good life, great planet, and these dumb humans can just screw it up like that!

Singapore Education My Foot

Dear Parents,

Please do not be disheartened if your child is falling behind in class because they have not have the best early childhood education(because its ridiculously expensive), they are falling behind in primary school because they are struggling with homework and couldnt catch up on the syllabus.No, they are not late bloomers, nor are they abnormal.  Because the system and syllabus in place is one that is to sift out elites, bookworms, kids who rather spend 10 hours studying than to spend some time learning about life, about living.  A child's brain is like a formated harddisk, lots of uncoded sectors. Do you know memory sector is only a portion of the brain's power?  And MOE's syllabus is squashing this memory sector to the brim!!!  What about creativity sector, innovation sector, motor neuron skills sector, planning and time management etc?  Do you seriously think spending 10 hours daily on memory and stuffing your brains with boring facts is good planning and time management for young minds?

Just imagine, for some kids who are not ready for this kind of barrage of bombardment, is actually a kind of torture.  And worst, MOE streaming and classifying kids not ready for the race as underperforming.   Remember, a child's mind is like a formated harddisk, how can they be underperforming just because they cant make it in the memory department?  Do you want your computer to be just a recorder, without the artificial intelligence function???  Yup, that's what your child is becoming, a recorder.

Look at the quality of ministers, failure in all department, depends on monopolistic environment to stay in power and control.  Any Tom, Dick and Harry can bitch slap them big time, and they can only murmur some rubbish excuse that even a 3 year old wouldnt believe.  For real, you want your child to succeed under this regime of douchebag upbringing?  I am flabbergasted at the quality of MPs and their ignorance of the real world.  Basically a laughing stock in the real world.  If not for a few strategic economic agreements, and long standing trade deals since the 1900s by the British, and UN intervention in the early 1960s to 1990s, Singapore wouldnt have last so long.

Now look at the cluelessness of Sg policiy, a vampire empire economy, without which, they are clueless how to move forward.  The scholarlistic pursuit in Sg education is a lost cause, if any major shift in powers that be, the scholars schooled in MOE system will be termed a bunch of dummies!!!  Believe me this.  Use your brain, use your brain.

Parents and adults, spend a few minutes follow through this video, MOE broke all the rules of creative learning with their rote learning crap. I highly doubt sg scholars are willing to groom "real" geniuses, because they be overtaken in a second! That's why the relentless control and emphasis on rote learning and grading, production line style. I am glad i am not the only one who rebel against the system which is pure crap. Educate your child that what is taught in school is a system, not education, that would elevate them the stress in later life.

Leonidas against the Persian Army - Singapore Way

The sea gold medal rowing win shows pap is wasting millions on rubbish,
The riot shows they refuse to solve problems they created,
The gag on foreign media of Sg news shows they are afraid of being exposed.
The rower's win signifies more than meets the eye. Foreigners not going to help pap, Singaporeans truly have talents that can topple any lame useless party. Vote oppositions and see real change.  If a lone 25yo girl can do it, what more the strengths of thousands.

She is the Leonidas of the 300 Spartans against the Persian Army!!!

Meritocracy failure, botox style!!!!

Botox island's brand of meritocracy reminds me of the sickman of Asia insecurity and greed for power.  Its the epitome of human insecurity, thus the downfall of Chinese culture and world dominance, giving way to the West in innovation, development and way of life.

Q1. Why would botox elites segregate their offsprings to ivy leagues schools whereas the commoner are schooled in local universities they pro-claim to be first class?
A. Fear of competition and true talent surpassing the current rulers.

Q2. Why would hiring managers invariably hire subordinates lower in qualification, social scale than themselves?  This is especially true of incompetent managers who got their post through connections instead of true capability.   That explains the flock of paul lampards in clubs, grassroots, and meaningless associations.  Anybody who is somebody knows somebody to be somebody.
A. Incompetence breeds even worst incompetence ladder.  Such structure of paul lampard only cause the whole organisation to be extremely weak and incapable in time to come.

Q3. Lacking quality in the hiring department, and declining votes and causing anger and uprising in the oppositions camp, why invite hordes of unqualified immigrants that who knows what they are good for?
And knowing the incompetence breeds even worst incompetence ladder, what do you think will come out of notoriously corrupted 3rd world countries?  Those who made it to botox shores are no goody two shoes, pay their way up the heap of people dying to get out of their shithole.
A. Cases of sex for flavours, foreigner HR hiring own countrymen into botox organisations are rampant and highly networked and close knitted.  Ok back to incompetence breeds even worst incompetence, now how many levels down are we now???  Horrendous isn't it?

Q4. Perpetual occupation of important posts in governance is never a good thing, the brain gets old, stale, mouldy, stubborn and invariably irrelevant.  The phrase absolute power corrupts absolutely does not necessarily means monetary corruption.  Remember the sickman of Asia syndrome?
A. Being too comfortable in positions of power, and having the sickman of Asia syndrome in their genes.  What do you think is the outcome, questions 1, 2, 3 of course, and the receipe for doom is born from day one.

Dont mind me, i am just a freak and weirdo.  But whatever I spooked, its invariably right in mysteriously logical ways.  Go figure.