Sunday, November 10, 2013

10 reasons how the govt preventing the poor from making it?

Sg just do not want the poor to be rich, just a quick shot at some controls:-

1. What about NS liability? That already sidelined males of any good career opportunity in the tight job market. And to top it up, foreign students are given university places who can barely pass their English language!!!;

2. hefty 36% CPF contributions while you got a job, but this CPF is practically untouchable till you are one leg in the coffin;

3. hefty medishield premiums depleting your CPF account;

4. wopping 2.5% CPF interest repayment, 2.6% HDB mortgage interests to repay back on your housing loan withdrawals;

5. even with the CPF medisave, medishield thing, poor still have to fork out hefty cash payment for lab tests, certain drugs, procedures excluded from the medisave, medishield schemes!!! (seriously shld be call SMLJ scheme better);

6. GST on essential foods and services, basically GST tax a larger portion of poor's disposable income compare to the rich;

7. there is no option for the lower middle income to claw out of the debt trap as long as their meagre $1,500 household income does not qualify for HDB rental schemes, and its stretching their HDB mortgage to the max where the cheapest BTO flats now is at a whopping $180,000 payable over 30 years, can you imagine the interests payable on such a long and huge loan for a low income family?

8. COE, ERP are proponents of inflation very directly related to costs of business operation (see my note on a simple inflation maths );

9. Singaporeans recorded to be working the longest hours and having the lowest wages, a fine example is our taxi drivers, one shift clocking 9-12 hours, sleep 8 hours, 6 hours left to eat, rest, and shit. What time left to do any other things than to get ready for the next shift!!! Dead end job.

10. Pushing of the minimum sum of CPF delaying withdrawal of monies at age 55 where many who are still clear minded could have use the money for biz venture or retire overseas is now impossible. Why the need to hold back CPF monies, Singaporeans now highly educated lot unlike 30 years ago retiree profiles, are we a bunch of dafts?

Just shoot off without thinking much, i could easily come up with 10 very real points why Sg policies do not want Singaporeans to be financially independent.

Friday, November 08, 2013

The Blind Side

People always talk about being fuck by govt, but there's always some dafts who dont understand.

There's a joint local production 3.50 about cambodia prostitute trade. Peasant girls without education, are cheated into prostitution as young as 12 years old. They have no knowledge of their rights, all they are brought up to is to serve men and their disgusting perversions. Because they are blind sighted without education, family values, corrupted at vulnerable age. No amount of counselling can reverse the mind set. It takes 3 to 5 years of reverse brainwashing and proper education to make them realise their trade is sinful.

Now think about how dafts come about, schools, newspapers, blind sighted media. Is it little wonder when internet and social media smash the barricade of bull shit like a tsunami? Now think and evaluate where have you been all along.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

CPF HDB - to unravel the gridlock

How to unravel the gridlock.
But this CPF savings would be compromise when public housing are sold at skyhigh levels many times the average wage, worst if some people's wages are low.
Shouldn't CPF put a cap on how much should be allocated to fund housing? When thresholds are hit, HDB should re-evaluate their pricings as a public housing entity, else must well convert to PTE or start cheap rent out schemes instead.

Discrimination Against Bikes, and unfair charging

Because they calculate 2 bikes occupy one car lot, car is already $2.16 per hour, so two bikes will also be $2 per hour. But the discriminating thing is bikes are by default $1 hourly charge, not by the minute, i enter only 15min, got deducted $1. Car in front of me got deducted $0.50 as they enter only for 15min too.