Saturday, October 04, 2014

Decay of Cronyism

Some people pride themselves on whiter than white probity, For it is their weapon against opponents too, unforgiving when they caught their opponents with less than perfect scores on their sheet. That is the reason why qualification, and a flawless sheet is the pride and joy of their achievements, they will stop at nothing to make sure their record stays white, at any price. Because their altar of worship collapses like a house of cards if they are exposed to be hypocrites. This delusion of superiority in probity has hampered real talents, mavericks, and creativity within the ranks, the narrow minded and short-sighted view of like-minded cronyism have invited the bottom of the barrel quality candidates into the top ranks. Which is why to outsiders, people start using words like retards, buffoons, idiots, all sorts of degrading labels, because its the truth what?


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