Monday, December 09, 2013


Sekiguchi, we live in a real world but that does not mean we see and hear reality itself. What we see, hear, smell, and think that we are touching is merely a creation of our minds. What is there is not exactly there. Nor is it delivered here. You see, I am not talking about psychology which you are so fond of.

I find it clearer than literature, it is science. What I am talking about is clear and simple. It's Science. Nothing religious nor spiritual. For instance, you see me, know and hear my voice, but that is not the true image of me nor my voice. Sight, sound and smell....all sense are delivered to the brain as mere signals. The brain puts those symbols together, to reconstruct something that seems like reality. What is reconstructed becomes perception. And to recognise perception is conscious. The world we know is only a small fraction of what it is. Drawn from pieces of information while our brains play monopoly. So, what if the brain tries to sell false information? Would we be able to know that it's false? There is no way for us to do so.Sekiguchi.

No one will tell us the composition of our inner world except the brain. Whether it is true or false, we have no way to evaluate. Virtual or real. Reality is also virtual. From a subjective view, there is no difference between truth and false. You cannot count on memory nor experience. That is why we rely on external memory and try to evaluate it. In other words, objective observance and records.

However, there is a new study called quantum mechanics. For example, according to that, in a subtle world, once the observer exists, the observed object is no longer the same. Meaning objectivity is impossible. Which can be totally expected. A conclusion drawn from quantum mechanics goes like this. This world, including the pas was created backwards once the observer existed.